Bioaffect:Community Portal
information about yourself and your interests + ideas you’d like to explore CLASS PROJECT
Terry Lavender
Background: army brat, ex-journalist, wannabe novelist, ex-PR hack for SFU, SIAT MSc (2009), current PhD student studying persuasive video games
Research interests: persuasive video games (especially social activism games), mobile games, immersion in games
Supervisor: Magy Seif el-Nasr
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: effect of immersion on the body and the emotions, biofeedback and emotions. I also like the iTunes U idea.
Ideas for projects: 1. create a game where progress is made by correctly pronouncing increasingly difficult phrases in shorter periods of time. The more agitated the player gets, the more the difficulty level rises; and vice versa. 2. measuring physiological reactions to playing a persuasive video game on an iPhone/iPad.
PROJECT: a "serious game" that
Mark Nazemi
Background: Sound Designer, VJ Artist, teach and designing music production & audio engineering courses, music gear junkie, BA in Media Arts 2010, currently an MA student.
Research interests: Evaluate the use of interactive sound in VR systems for treating chronic pain.
Supervisor: Diane Gromala
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: controlling media such as sound & visuals using biofeedback. Interactive meditation systems using biofeedback.
Ideas for projects: Immersive soundscapes in VR that are controlled by biofeedback, techno-medicine for the body...more to come.... :D
PROJECT w/Sun Kyoung:
Daniel Feuereissen
Background: Computer Science, Communication Technology, POS Systems, some exposure to traditional distribution media (TV News and Radio), Electronics, Classic Car Restoration, Reefkeeping.
Research interests: Reducing the perception of mediation in Virtual Reality, helping people with brain damage, injuries or disabilities through VR/adaptive systems, design and implementation of fully automated environmental systems that control marine habitats.
Supervisor: Dr. B. E. Riecke
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: I'd like to focus more on helping people get better and get back on track with their life after a life changing event. I have not yet spent much time and effort on this which led me to take this class and it looks like a good starting point. I am particularly interested in how we can exploit VR/adaptive technology/neural interfaces to train people use their perceptual systems after a related area of the brain has been damaged.
Ideas for projects: Not quite sure yet, preferably a craft and related software component that pertains to above stated topic.
PROJECT: w/Lonnie: develop
Jay Vidyarthi
Background: Academic experience in cognitive psychology, industry experience in technological research/design, live music recording/mixing, performing on drums/guitar/vocals, songwriting.
Research interests: Social relationships between humans and technology, and how we can design specifically for them.
Supervisor: Bernhard Riecke and Diane Gromala
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: Using biosensors to create an intimate relationship between technology and user in a way that reduces stress/anxiety (just a brainstorm)
Ideas for projects: Was thinking about some kind of sound/music based stress detector for a computer users (again, just a brainstorm).
Lonnie Hastings
Background: Computer Science, cognitive systems, design and perception of interfaces-- specifically attention and how it modulates what we perceive, Visual Analytics
Research interests: How human perception in virtual reality differs from the real world. I'm particularly interested in perception of spatial information and spatial updating.
Supervisor: Bernhard Riecke
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: Sense of presence/immersion in virtual environments, and how biosensors could be used to measure this.
Ideas for projects: Possibly expanding the idea of landmarks in VR to include more than just visual stimuli
PROJECT: (see Daniel's description)
Veronica Zammitto
Background: Psychology, usability, gaming
Research interests: Evaluating video game user's experience (using psychophysiology, for instance), and how such information can be used in crafting better game designs.
Supervisor: Steve DiPaola
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: the physiology of emotions and more 'abstract' concepts of experience such as flow, engagement, and immersion. The potentials of adaptive systems based of users' information, like biofeedback.
Ideas for projects: Maybe employing psychophysiological data to create art pieces, or to measuring affective responses to video games and represent them in a meaningful way, or still open for more.
Tyler Fox
Background: Intermedia (Video and Installation Art); critical theory, art history
Research interests: Affect, embodiment, experience, bodily connection to technology
Supervisor: Diane Gromala
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: bio-art, growing meat, bacteria
Ideas for projects: Video interface/database controlled through biofeedback (brainstorm)
PROJECT: agitating lumnescent bacteria via GSR
Suk Kyoung Choi
Background: Fine Arts, Media Arts, educational media design
Research interests: Relationships between sensory remapping, installation, performance, and interactive aesthetics
Supervisor: Thecla Schiphorst
Ideas I'd like to explore in class: Mixed time and space, mixed bodies – objects (interfaces), perceptions, and memories in virtual times and spaces
Ideas for projects: Creating organic telemetric bio-synthetic interfaces by hybridizing plant and electronic I’Mplants. These units can represent prototype environmental, bio-organic, and network aware nodes that I term, in connected research, ‘Hovering Sensors’
PROJECT: (see Mark's description)
D'Arcy O'Connor
Research interests:
Ideas I'd like to explore in class:
Ideas for projects:
PROJECT: (see Jay's description)