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'''Mark Nazemi'''
'''Background:''' Sound Designer, VJ Artist, teach and designing music production & audio engineering courses, music gear junkie, BA in Media Arts 2010, currently an MA student.
'''Research interests:''' Evaluate the use of interactive sound in VR systems for treating chronic pain.
'''Supervisor:''' Diane Gromala
'''Ideas I'd like to explore in class:''' controlling media such as sound & visuals using biofeedback. Interactive meditation systems using biofeedback.
'''Ideas for projects:''' Immersive soundscapes in VR that are controlled by biofeedback, techno-medicine for the body...more to come.... :D

Revision as of 21:32, 18 January 2011

information about yourself and your interests + ideas you’d like to explore


Your Name


Research interests:


Ideas I'd like to explore in class:

Ideas for projects:

Diane Gromala

background: dubious

official degrees in Design, Film Studies and Computer Science

unofficial and quasi-official studies in cultural studies (Yale), EE (Georgia Tech), and Consciousness Studies (UArizona)

Taught in a School of Fine Art (UTexas), a School of Communications (UW), a School of Literature, Communication & Culture (Georgia Tech)

Affiliate status at the HITLab, GVU, Oxford and the National Pain Centre

Research interests: technological interventions for chronic pain, embodiment, monsters & zombies, viscera

Supervisor: the gods

Ideas I'd like to explore in class: producing an iTunes U segment (it is odd that SIAT doesn't have a presence!),

rediscovering my groove re: teaching a class that is wildly fun

Ideas for projects: creating something related to affect, pain and comfort; creating a funny pain project

Terry Lavender

Background: army brat, ex-journalist, wannabe novelist, ex-PR hack for SFU, SIAT MSc (2009), current PhD student studying persuasive video games

Research interests: persuasive video games (especially social activism games), mobile games, immersion in games

Supervisor: Magy Seif el-Nasr

Ideas I'd like to explore in class: effect of immersion on the body and the emotions, biofeedback and emotions. I also like the iTunes U idea.

Ideas for projects: 1. setting up a feedback loop to respond to physiological signifiers that result from a speech impediment (still working this out, so this may change). 2. measuring physiological reactions to playing a persuasive video game on an iPhone/iPad.

Mark Nazemi

Background: Sound Designer, VJ Artist, teach and designing music production & audio engineering courses, music gear junkie, BA in Media Arts 2010, currently an MA student.

Research interests: Evaluate the use of interactive sound in VR systems for treating chronic pain.

Supervisor: Diane Gromala

Ideas I'd like to explore in class: controlling media such as sound & visuals using biofeedback. Interactive meditation systems using biofeedback.

Ideas for projects: Immersive soundscapes in VR that are controlled by biofeedback, techno-medicine for the body...more to come.... :D